Monday, September 29, 2008

09/29/08 11:29AM PST

did the bailout bill really fail or do ppl believe it will fail?

no, it really failed
global economy is crashing right now

maybe we'll just have to kill every chinese citizen

no, we're going to be serving them fries soon

that's why we drop the bombs now
spread out over their island and pay them back for hiroshima and nagasaki

there are so many things wrong with that sentence

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kafka: Three Parables

2. "...'What do you want to know now?' asks the doorkeeper, 'you are insatiable.' 'Everyone strives to attain the Law,' answers the man, 'how does it come about, then, that in all these years no one has come seeking admittance but me?' The doorkeeper perceives that the man is at the end of his strength and that his hearing is failing, so he bellows in his ear: 'No one but you could gain admittance through this door, since this door was intended only for you. I am now going to shut it.'..."