Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16/08 3:00PM PST

like you know when you break your arm
or your leg i guess
you straighten it out with a piece of wood or whatever
perhaps J could use one of these
or try not to O.D. on viagra
either way

i remember when my grandma used to get aarp catalogues, they would sell dick splints like you're imagining

you're kidding


holy shit

dick splint
what a wonderful phrase


i think that might surpass twat snot at this point

shut up you fucking dick splint

see, it works well

i think it does
nice one

i think we have inaugurated a new era just now

wow, you're absolutely right, i can feel it

i can't wait to say that to someone face to face

Friday, June 6, 2008

"The Plot Against America" by Philip Roth

It went without saying that Mr. Mawhinney was a Christian, a long-standing member of the great overpowering majority that fought the Revolution and founded the nation and conquered the wilderness and subjugated the Indian and enslaved the Negro and emancipated the Negro and segregated the Negro, one of the good, clean, hard-working Christian millions who settled the frontier, tilled the farms, built the cities, governed the states, sat in Congress, occupied the White House, amassed the wealth, possessed the land, owned the steel mills and the ball clubs and the railroads and the banks, even owned and oversaw the language, one of those unassailable Nordic and Anglo-Saxon Protestants who ran American and would always run it--generals, dignitaries, magnates, tycoons, the men who laid down the law and called the shots and read the riot act when they chose to--while my father, of course, was only a Jew.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sample CA Ballot Measure

01. Shall Los Angeles County be declared the sun and leisure capital of the world? Yes/No